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RB 1010

Alert voor Sunweb

RCC 16 mei 2011, Dossiernr. 2011/00269 (Sunweb)

Reclamerecht. Aanbieding voor vakantie naar Bulgarije voor 399 euro per persoon. Klaagster stelt dat deze vakantie niet voor genoemd bedrag geboekt kon worden. Verweerder stelt door technische fout de prijs niet juist op website stond. Sprake van menselijke fout.

Commissie oordeelt dat er sprake is van onjuiste informatie t.a.v. de prijs (art. 8.2 onder d NRC) nu de aangeboden reis niet voor genoemde prijs beschikbaar was. Menselijke fout komt voor rekening van adverteerder. Strijd met art. 7 NRC. Doet aanbeveling en brengt uitspraak onder aandacht van breed publiek (art. 17 lid 1 jo. 18 lid 4 Reglement RCC en CVB).

Geklaagd wordt over het feit dat een reis werd aangeboden die achteraf voor de aangeboden prijs niet beschikbaar bleek te zijn. Aldus is in de uiting onjuiste informatie verschaft ten aanzien van de prijs van het product, als bedoeld in artikel 8.2 onder d van de Nederlandse Reclame Code (NRC). Voorts is de Commissie van oordeel dat deze onjuiste informatie de gemiddelde consument ertoe kan brengen een besluit over een transactie te nemen dat hij anders niet had genomen. Om die reden is de bewuste mededeling misleidend en daardoor oneerlijk in de zin van artikel 7 NRC. Het feit dat, naar adverteerder aanvoert, de onderhavige situatie het gevolg is van een menselijke fout, doet niet aan het voorgaande af, nu deze omstandigheid voor rekening van adverteerder dient te komen.

Lees de gehele uitspraak hier (link / pdf)
Regelingen: NRC art. 7, art. 8.2 onder d; Reglement RCC en CVB art. 17 lid 1, art. 18 lid 4

RB 1004

Prijsverhoging bij einde boekingsproces

RCC 19 mei 2011, Dossiernr. 2011/00273 (Expedia)

Reclamerecht. Aanbieding op website voor twee retourtickets naar Newark incl. 9 hotelovernachtingen in NY. Klaagster stelt dat tijdens boekingsproces de prijs op de allerlaatste pagina werd verhoogd.

Commissie oordeelt dat er sprake is van onjuiste informatie t.a.v. de prijs (art. 8.2 onder d NRC). Strijd met art. 7 NRC. Doet aanbeveling.

Geklaagd wordt over het feit dat een reis werd aangeboden die aan het einde van het boekingsproces slechts voor een hogere prijs beschikbaar bleek te zijn. Aldus is in de uiting onjuiste informatie verschaft ten aanzien van de prijs van het product, als bedoeld in artikel 8.2 onder d van de Nederlandse Reclame Code (NRC).

Lees de gehele uitspraak hier (link / pdf)
Regeling: NRC art. 7, art. 8.2 onder d

RB 1001

Gangbaar betaalmiddel

CVB 9 juni 2011, Dossiernr. 2011/00073 (Ryanair)

Reclamerecht. Website van Ryanair. Klaagster stelt dat administratiekosten 80% van de totale ticketprijs bedragen. Deze kosten worden pas vermeld later in het boekingsproces. Goedkope prijzen op website daarom alleen lokmiddel. Strijd met art. III sub 1 RR. Klacht is gemotiveerd weersproken.

Commissie oordeelt dat administratiekosten worden berekend, tenzij men over MasterCard Prepaid Debit Card beschikt. Onvoldoende duidelijk dat sprake is van optionele kostenpost. Strijd met art. III onder 1 RR. Doet aanbeveling.

Grieven: 1. onacceptabel dat Ryanair vertaling beslissing pas 2 dagen voor afloop appeltermijn heeft ontvangen. 2. Geen strijd met art. III sub 1 RR, want alle geadverteerde tarieven zijn inclusief alle bijkomende kosten. 3. Dossiernr. 1553/07.0689 kan niet genegeerd worden. Hierin staat dat advertenties Ryanair voldoen aan RR. 4. Absurd om over verkrijgbaarheid MasterCard Prepaid Debit card in uitingen te informeren. Grieven zijn gemotiveerd weersproken.

CVB: Grief 1. Onderdeel treft geen doel, adverteerder dient zelf voor vertaling te zorgen. Grieven 2, 3 en 4. Niet aannemelijk geworden dat de genoemde MasterCard gangbaar betaalmiddel is voor Nederlandse reizigers en dat zij makkelijk informatie over de Card kunnen vinden. Ook zijn er beperkingen aan Card verbonden, dus niet te verwachten dat op korte termijn gangbaar betaalmiddel zal zijn. Hierdoor is betaling met deze Card geen reëel alternatief bij boeking van Ryanair vlucht. Sprake daarom van vaste onvermijdbare kosten en had in uiting opgenomen dienen te worden. Grieven treffen geen doel. Strijd met art. III sub 1 RR. Bevestigt beslissing Commissie.


5. Op grond van het voorgaande is het College van oordeel dat de MasterCard Pre­paid Debit Card voor de Nederlandse reiziger geen reëel alternatief vormt voor de betaalvormen waarbij men bij het boeken van een vlucht met Ryanair admini­stra­­­tie­kosten verschuldigd is. Aldus is in feite sprake van vaste onvermijdbare kos­ten. Te­recht stelt ANVR dat Ryanair deze kosten voor wat betreft de op Nederland gerichte uitingen reeds in de geadverteerde prijs had die­nen op te nemen. Ryanair heeft dit nagelaten. Het College onder­schrijft het oordeel van de Commissie dat Ryan­air daardoor in strijd met het bepaalde onder III sub ! RR heeft gehandeld. De grieven 2, 3 en 4 treffen derhalve geen doel, ook niet voor zover Ryanair naar ande­re be­slissingen van de Commissie verwijst. Niet gesteld of ge­bleken is immers dat in die beslissingen over identieke klachten is geoordeeld.

Lees de gehele uitspraak hier (link / pdf)


Regeling: RR art. III sub 1

RB 999

UK ASA Adjudications 1, 8 en 15 juni 2011

Ook de Advertising Standards Authorization, de RCC in Groot-Britannië, heeft een bundel uitspraken gepubliceerd. Categorieën van 15 juni variëren van Circulation Booster, zwangerschapstesten, water ionizer, minibus, Peugeot, verrekijkers, James Bond magazine, film, technische winkel, batterijen, hair extensions, logo, website voor auto's, rij-examen, rijschool, apparaat voor infrarood therapie, vliegmaatschappij.

Categorieën van 8 juni variëren van Groupon, homeopatisch product, inboedelverzekering, Revival Fellowship, bulk SMS service, keuken en badkamer bedrijf, vacature website, modellenbureau, wedstrijd in automagazine, film en TV extra's, CVketel installatiebedrijf, vacatures, karateschool, Money manager, douchebak, steunband voor knie.

Categorieën van 1 juni variëren van elektronische apparaat voor gezondheid, voedingssupplement met magnesium, medium, huizenmarketing, sauzen, touroperator, filmrelease, Carpetright, tuinarchitectuur, levensverzekering, krant, bloedzuiverend middel, online adresboeksysteem.

Zie plaatjes hieronder (klik voor vergroting), klik voor de directe site hier.

High Tech Health Ltd
A leaflet and a teleshopping ad made claims for a “circulation booster”. a. The leaflet stated, “Immediate relief from aches, pains and swelling! Poor circulation? Swollen feet & ankles? Cold feet & aching tired legs? You need the all new Circulation Booster V3”. It went in to some detail about the action and effects of the product, claiming that it “applies mild electrical muscle simulation” to the feet, that it “can reduce foot and ankle swelling … With regular use of the Circulation...

Home Health (UK) Ltd
A commercial ad on Ebay in April 2011, for pregnancy tests, stated "10 ULTRA EARLY 10mIU NHS PREGNANCY TTC TEST/TESTS".

Earth Trade Water Inc
An e-mail, sent 30 March 2011, to approximately 200 recipients, promoted water ionizers. All the recipients' e-mail addresses were visible in the “To” field. Text in the body of the e-mail stated “The colon has received increased attention in recent years as colon cancer has risen rapidly to become the third leading cause of death in the US. Poor diet, lack of exercise, and dehydration are factors that are often cited to lead to poor colon health. Poor colon health is considered a primary...

GM Coachwork Ltd
Claims on the home page of MiniBus Lite's website stated "MiniBus Lite is the only 17 seater minibus you can drive on a standard manual car licence. The GM Coachwork Minibus Lite is the UK's first 17 seater minibus (including driver) weighing less than 3.5 tonnes. The vehicle's low weight means that anyone with a current, valid UK full driving licence which they have held for over 2 years can drive it. This means that organisations such as schools can allow more of their staff to drive the...

Peugeot Motor Company plc
A TV ad, for Peugeot's 207 Envy, viewed on the children's channel Nick Jr on 5 March 2011 at 2:15pm during Peppa Pig, was shot from underwater in a dark swimming pool at night. A car was seen from below hitting the water and slowly sinking. Muted, bass music was heard in the background together with the sound of air bubbles escaping from the car to the surface and water rushing through the air vents. Two men were heard discussing the car over the telephone. The first said "Have you seen it?"...

Winning Deals Ltd
A national press ad, for binoculars, on 10 March 2011, stated "NATL. AIR & SPACE DEPOT SALE. NOTICE! Long range 24x Magnification. SEA & FIELD ZOOM BINOCULARS (all in original shipping cases). So powerful that if you were on the cliffs of Dover the coast of France would appear to be just ONE MILE AWAY!!!! ... Starting midnight 9th March, the National Air & Space Depot will accept orders direct from the public for 8-24x MAGNIFICATION SEA & FIELD ZOOM BINOCULARS ... TEST CERTIFICATE:...

MI6 Confidential
Claims on MI6 Confidential magazine's website, viewed on 16 March 2011, for a James Bond magazine, included "MI6 Confidential is the only professionally created James Bond magazine available exclusively in print".

Paramount Pictures UK
A TV ad for the film "No Strings Attached" broadcast on More4 between 13.30 and 14.30 on 11 February 2011, during the programme Deal or No Deal. The female character said "I need someone who's going to be in my bed, no strings attached" and the male character replied "I could do that". Two brief scenes showed the couple in bed together before on-screen text read "CAN BEST FRIENDS ... BE SEX FRIENDS?".

Comet Group plc
A brochure, for a technology retailer, was headed “Online prices in store now. Please ask in store for details”. Each double-page spread was also headed “Online prices in store now. Please ask in store for details” and “Prices checked daily”. The bottom of each page stated: “Prices and offers correct at time of going to press. Prices and offers may vary. Ask in-store for details. Offers valid from 17 February 2011”. Text at the top of page 22 stated: “Save £150. £89.99 was £239.99 Panasonic...

Claims on a website selling batteries, on 29 March 2011, stated "Customer Service ... 145-147 St John Street EC1V 4PY London (Please note that this is our warehouse address. No local pick up is available)".

Belle Hair Extensions
An ad on the Belle Hair Extensions website, seen 3 March 2011, promoted “1 Day Intense Hair Training £395. Text stated “On your Belle Hair Extension Fast Track Training Course you will be taught by qualified tutors these application methods (Micro fusion bonding, Micro Ring/Links) for just one price. You will get a professional hair extension kit and manual, professional insurance approved certification so you can start working immediately and certified professional training”. The website...

A sales promotion on 25poundlogo website stated "One-time Special Offer Must End Midnight, Sat Mar 19 2011. Celebrating Our 500th customer! With every package you get ... FREE: Copyright Legal Certificate worth £50. FREE: Life-time alterations to your logo worth £50. OFFER OPEN NOW!".

All Vehicle Contracts Ltd
Claims on Autobuddy's website, viewed between 30 March and 3 April 2011, included "The Home of INSTANT Online Quotations". The website's home page included a "Quick Quotation Search" where consumers could choose from drop-down lists of a range of car manufacturers, models, "versions" and contract types, and a "Vehicle Shopper with Company Car Tax Calculations" where consumers could choose from drop-down lists of contract types, car manufacturers, CO2 emission levels and select a monthly cost...

Book A DSA Test
A website, for Book A DSA Test, on 13 March 2011, stated "Book a DSA Test. The quick and easy way to book your practical or theory driving test online ... You can now book your DSA Practical and Theory test FAST and SIMPLY online. We are here to provide you with the smart way to book and manage your DSA Practical Driving Test or your DSA Theory Driving Test online with as little fuss for you as possible. Booking your test couldn't be simpler now, just complete the online form for the test you...

Bradleys School of Motoring
Claims on a website for a driving school, in March 2011, stated "Find a driving instructor in Sunderland, Hartlepool & Durham with a higher pass rate than ours and we will give you your lesson for free!".

A sponsored link on an internet search engine, for infra-red therapy devices, stated "Get Thermotex Online Thermotex -48%:Shop a large selection & find incredible deals! www.thermotex.deal24.co.uk".

bmibaby Ltd
A promotional e-mail, for flights, was sent in January 2011. It was headlined “Massive discounts, baby!”. Text below stated “Quick! It’s your last chance to book BIG savings on all flights for 2011. Don’t delay and check out the flights on offer”.

MyCityDeal Ltd
A sales promotion from Groupon, stated "Lengthen Those Lashes with Eyelash Extensions from Bo Chic for £24 instead of £90". Text under the heading "Fine Print" included"This Group is valid for 5 on 1 bud eyelash extensions only ....".

Nathans Natural LLC
The website for Levodyn, a herbal product, on 9 February 2011, stated “Levodyn is composed of 19 herbs and minerals that have been shown to help lower blood pressure and thus lead to a healthy heart. We have used only natural ingredients, so you never have to worry about the troublesome side effects of prescription medication ... can help naturally lower your blood pressure and help prevent cardiovascular problems ... Levodyn is a breakthrough non prescription high blood pressure reducing...

Lloyds TSB General Insurance Ltd
A TV ad, broadcast in October 2010, for home insurance showed a cartoon man coming home to find that he had been burgled. The ad showed him picking up a letter from Lloyds TSB titled "Personal Claims Consultant" and the man was subsequently visited by a Personal Claims Consultant. A voice-over said "At Lloyds TSB, we understand how upsetting it can be when things go wrong, which is why we'll send you a personal claims consultant to help you when you need it most. So the same person will...

Medway Revival Fellowship
A circular for the Revival Fellowship was headlined "YOUR INVITATION TO COME AND SEE". Text on the back of the circular included "After prayer, Russell was healed from a severe food allergy and Autism. He now leads a healthy and completely normal life", "In 1984, Granville suffered another brain haemorrhage and died 3 times. After prayer, he came alive. He still lives today", "Trevor & Leila were told that their newborn girl was 'incompatible with life'...

Text Marketer Ltd
Claims on a website, CompareBulkSMSPrices, on 11 April 2011, stated "The latest up to date prices for Bulk SMS - checked 6 days ago ... With hundreds of Bulk SMS suppliers around the world, our mission is to stay up to date with the cheapest and best deals, the best technology and customer service tools". Underneath, a table headed "The Main Price Comparison Chart" included a list of companies and details of their bulk SMS services. The company listed as "The Current Number 1" was Text...

The Kitchen and Bathroom Company
A regional press ad for The Kitchen and Bathroom Company stated "Create your Dream Home, Free Fitting*" and "Free Fitting RRP £2499 Range Pack inc: Cooker, Splash Back & Chimney £399* With purchase of a kitchen". The asterisk linked to text that stated "Not in conjunction with any other offer".

Powerhouse Direct Ltd
Text on a job search website, for a Junior Trainee in Marketing/Sales/PR/Customer Service, stated information about the role including "salary: £15,000 per year" and "job term: Permanent/Full-time".

Talent Search UK
An ad in the regional press (a) and a follow-up leaflet (b) for Talent Search UK stated: a. "MODELS & EXTRAS DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE THE NECESSARY QUALITIES TO BE A MODEL OR EXTRA?CATALOGUE, PHOTOGRAPHIC & FILM/T.V. EXTRA WORK, FASHION & PROMOTIONAL WORK ... ARRIVE EARLY TO AVOID DISSAPOINTMENT [SIC]. LIMITED SPACES". Text at the bottom of the ad stated "Placement with UK agencies". b. "Some TV Credits/Modelling Assignments our Agencies have are as...

Creative Media Ltd
A competition in a car magazine, in February 2010, to win £10,000 worth of car accessories was headlined "WIN A £10,000 MAKEOVER!" Text below stated "FORGET TRINNY, SUSANNAH AND THAT Gok fella, when it comes to full on budget busting makeovers we've got a competition that'll blow your socks off ... it's not very often we get to offer a full-on motor makeover but that generous lot over at the Auto Sound & Style Show, to celebrate their awesome event kicking off on the 7th of...

ELI Casting Agency
Text on the Gumtree website, for film and TV extras, stated "BECOME A WELL PAID FILM and TV EXTRA OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE NATIONWIDE! MEET and WORK WITH TOP CELEBRITIES! EARN £80 - £300 PER SHOOT... TO APPLY: E-MAIL US YOUR: NAME and E-MAIL ADDRESS ONLY TO: office@elicasting.co.uk ANYTIME! 24/7 We will get back to you as quickly as possible. Please bare [sic.] with us as we are very busy!".

A1 Services
An ad in Yellow Pages on 19 January 2011, for A1 Services, a boiler installation firm, listed the names of six different locations in Hertfordshire followed by a telephone number for each location. The ad also featured the logos for Corgi and Oftec alongside the text "Registered Installers".

AC Generations Ltd
Four online ads by AC Generations seen in February 2011 for job vacancies stated in each case that the job type was "permanent" and that the vacancies were for the following roles: "Brand Management and Marketing"; "Customer Service Property Surveying"; "Customer service/sale advisors"; and "Hospitality & Catering". All of the ads included an example of the weekly wage, e.g. "Salary: Up to £500/week" and "Salary: £300 - £500...

Karate Leadership UK
Claims on Karate Leadership UK's website, viewed in March 2011, included "WHICH MARTIAL ARTS SCHOOL IS BEST FOR ME AND / OR MY FAMILY ??? ... If they charge for your Martial Arts on a 'Per Session' basis you're in the wrong school. This can mean only one of two things, firstly they aren't intending on being around for long or secondly this is just a 'hobby' for them. Remember we are talking about introducing an adult into your child's life that can potentially have a massive effect on their...

Lloyds TSB Bank plc
A TV ad, for Lloyds TSB’s Money Manager service, viewed on 8 March 2011, stated "With all our bills, direct debits and purchases, it's sometimes hard to keep track of our money. Money Manager from Lloyds TSB is a new, free way to show you how much you're spending and on what. It helps you keep control of your spending so you can see where you can save a little here and there. Lloyds TSB, for the journey". On-screen text displayed during the ad stated "Money Manager is not intended to provide...

First Bathrooms
A website for bathrooms showed an image of a shower tray. Text stated "Easy Plumb Rectangle Shower Tray 900 x 800mm ... The original, classically designed shower tray, featuring a high-gloss surface which feels exactly like ceramic to the touch. This tray is made from a stone resin mix for strength and rigidity, eliminating the movement so often found with plastic composite trays".

Home Shopping Selections Ltd
A press ad, promoting a thin strap worn below the knee, was headlined “IMMEDIATE KNEE PAIN RELIEF”. The product was pictured and text stated “We asked an independent research company to test our Knee Strap. The results were fantastic and now the benefits of the Knee Strap speak for themselves - as ordinary, every day, [sic] people confirm what we already knew! The Knee Strap works! The independent research company asked a panel of men and women, who suffer from knee pain to try our Knee... 

Telehealth Solutions Ltd
An e-mail on 14 March 2011, from Telehealth Solutions, stated "Keep Long-Term Condition Patients Safer, Healthier and Out of Hospital - Help Patients and Reduce Costs - The HomePod is an iPad-like device that patients can use to measure vital signs, answer questions about their symptoms, and send the information to clinical staff ... Evidence and Research - Studies estimate telehealth can reduce hospital admissions by over 90%, and the length of hospital stays by the same proportion...

Subtle Energy Therapy UK
A website, selling Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS) and magnesium products, on 1 March 2011, stated "... The proof of the efficacy of this simple protocol was in successfully helping over 75,000 people in several African nations - including Uganda and Malawi - rid themselves, primarily of malaria, but also hepatitis, cancer, and AIDS ... If your health is not perfect ... you're habitually low on energy, have trouble keeping your weight down, or blood pressure in the normal range, or...

Mr Fakole
A circular, for Mr Fakole, stated "Mr Fakole Serious African international medium 20 years of experience in Haiti 100% successful ... Results are sure, serious and guaranteed ...".

upad Ltd
Text on www.upad.com stated "RENTAL PROPERTY MARKETING Advertise your property on 950 UK sites for £69 ... We'll put your property on ... rightmove.co.uk, FindaProperty.com, Zoopla, Globrix, lettingsearch.co.uk, primelocation.com, Gumtree & 950 more including ...". When readers clicked on "including" they were taken to a page that listed 998 different websites.

Unilever UK Ltd
Two ads, for gravy granules, in catering magazines: a. The first ad featured a picture of a tub of gravy granules above a headline which stated "unbeatable taste vs. Bisto*". Smaller text below the headline stated "KNORR has unbeatable scores for taste, appearance, consistency and aroma when testing against main competitors*". Smallprint at the bottom of the ad stated "*Partner Research Jan-April 2010". b. The second ad featured a picture of a sachet of gravy granules above headline text...

Thomas Cook Tour Operations Ltd
A national press ad, on 7 January 2011, for a holiday promotion had the headline "it is Summer 2011 10% off guaranteed". Text below stated "10% off all our Summer 2011 holidays. Guaranteed. Find the same holiday as ours cheaper elsewhere and we'll match the price. If we can't match the price, we'll give you the holiday free. Guaranteed". Text at the bottom-right of the ad next to the Thomas Cook logo stated "thomascook.com". Small print at the bottom of the ad stated "The 10% discount offer...

Lions Gate UK Ltd
Two TV ads for the release of the film The Mechanic, featuring the actors Jason Statham and Ben Foster: a. The first ad began with Jason Statham saying "Do you know what a mechanic is?" and showed him punching a man in the stomach, who was wearing a blood-stained T-shirt, and then running and shooting a gun at the camera. Ben Foster replied "A hitman". Scenes from the film were then shown in quick succession including a man being hit over the head with a sheet of metal and a man being shot...

Carpetright plc
A TV ad for Carpetright plc showed the presenter demonstrating how easy it was to clean a Kosset carpet before saying "and it's exclusive to Carpetright".

Aspen Landscaping Driveways
A regional press ad, on 1 February 2011, for landscaping and driveway work, stated "ASPEN LANDSCAPING & DRIVEWAYS - NORTH STAFFS NO.1 *Block Paving Specialists *Natural Stone Patios *Garden Walls & Other Aspects *Winter Discounts - Recommendations from most leading Builders Merchants ... All work Guaranteed. Call now for free quotation".

Asda Financial Services Ltd
A TV ad for life assurance, from Asda, broadcast on 28 February, for people aged over 50 featured a man arriving home with his shopping. The man said "I'd been meaning to get some life cover but I wasn't sure where to go." At the same time, on-screen text stated "For people aged 50 - 80 living in the UK". The man continued "Then I saw that Asda were offering over 50s life cover ... So I gave them a call. I didn't have to answer any health questions; I didn't have to visit my GP. I just had...

Independent News Media Ltd
A TV ad, for a newspaper, stated “i squeezes the content of a quality paper into one that's small and beautifully informed. So I've got the knowledge, in one quick fix. No celeb gossip nonsense, just intelligent stuff and that's why I love i.

Fitalifestyle Ltd
An ad for Liquid Chlorophyll, in the online shop of the See My Cells website, seen 16 March 2011, stated “Liquid Chlorophyll is the most potent blood cleanser and deodorizer. Liquid Chlorophyll has the identical chemical structure to haemoglobin in blood. The only difference being the central atom in blood being iron and Chlorophyll's central atom being magnesium. Chlorophyll is made by the process of photosynthesis and is essential to life. Chlorophyll in liquid form is essential for...

Customer Service Helplines (UK) Ltd
A sponsored link, for an online directory service, stated “Tax Credits Helpline Speak To An HMRC Advisor By Phone Numbers for Customer Services”.

RB 977

Avenue de Baobab

RCC 16 mei 2011, Dossiernr. 2011/00268 (Baoblad)

Reclamerecht. Baoblad pagina 48 en 49. Klager was deelnemer aan reis naar Madagaskar georganiseerd door verweerder. In Baoblad staat foto afgebeeld van 'Avenue de Baobab'. Hierdoor wordt indruk gewekt dat deze straat zal worden bezocht tijdens reis, dit blijkt echter niet het geval. Sprake van misleiding.
Commissie oordeelt dat pagina's 48 en 49 van Baoblad algemene informatie over de baobab bevatten. Gemiddelde consument zal alvorens reis te boeken website raadplegen om het volledige programma te bekijken, waaruit dan blijkt dat 'Avenue de Baobab' niet bezocht zal worden. Geen sprake van misleidende reclame. Wijst klacht af.

De Commissie is van oordeel dat de gemiddelde consument, alvorens hij naar aanleiding van dit aanbod een besluit neemt om een reis te boeken, de genoemde website zal raadplegen om het ‘volledige programma, vertrekdata en prijzen’ te bekijken. Dan zal, zo blijkt uit de klacht, blijken dat  een bezoek aan de in de folder op pagina 49 afgebeelde ‘avenue de baobab’ niet bij het programma is inbegrepen. Gelet hierop is geen sprake van misleidende reclame.

Lees de gehele uitspraak hier (link / pdf)

RB 915

D-reizen prijsafspraken reclame

Voorzitter RCC 2 mei 2011, Dossiernr. 2011/00167 (D-reizen)

Reclamerecht. Advertentie van D-reizen over prijsafspraken. Klager meent dat de uiting in strijd is met goede smaak en fatsoen. Verweerder stelt dat het geen andere reisbureaus zwart wil maken en de advertentie een knipoog naar de NMa was en dat deze inviel bij D-Reizen (hier en hier).

Voorzitter stelt zich bij beoordeling goede smaak en fatsoen terughoudend op en acht de grens van het toelaatbare niet overschreden. Wijst de klacht af.

Bij de beoordeling van de vraag of een reclame-uiting in strijd is met de goede smaak en/of het fatsoen, stelt de Commissie zich terughoudend op, gezien het subjectieve karakter van deze criteria. Deze terughoudendheid in acht nemende, is de voorzitter van oordeel dat de grens van het toelaatbare niet is overschreden.

Op onmiskenbaar humoristisch bedoelde wijze stelt adverteerder dat hij de consument in staat stelt om bij hem een reis te boeken voor een gunstige prijs. Niet kan in ernst worden geoordeeld dat adverteerder zich in het licht van het door het NMa gestarte onderzoek naar verboden prijsafspraken binnen de reisbranche op de borst klopt of dat hij zich afzet tegen andere reisorganisaties. 

Lees de gehele uitspraak hier (link en pdf)

RB 866

UK ASA Adjudications 4 mei 2011

Ook de Advertising Standards Authorization, de RCC in Groot-Britannië, heeft een bundel uitspraken gepubliceerd. Categorieën variëren van abonnementen voor mobieltjes, luchtreiniger, advocatenkantoor, panasonic winkels, baanmogelijkheden voor koeriers, vliegtuigmaatschappij, lijm voor elektronische onderdelen, tot multivitaminen bij krant.

Zie plaatje hieronder (klik voor vergroting), klik voor de directe site hier.

Telefonica O2 UK Ltd
A TV ad promoting mobile phone deals, broadcast in February 2011, at different times throughout the day, featured a faun standing beneath a tree in a fantastical, pastoral setting. He said "Welcome to O2's mind. What am I doing here? Well, they thought of me and here I am." Couples appeared in the background out of nowhere, along with the O2 Arena and some rubber ducks. The faun said "Being here I get to see everything O2 thinks about and they think a lot about you. Take Mel.” A woman...

Pressplay Ltd
A national press ad, for the Airganix air purifier, stated " ... Effective against: ALLERGENS ODOUR CIGARETTE SMOKE MOULD MILDEW ... The Natural Air 50+ unique air treatment process will effectively improve air quality by removing odours including pet and cooking odours, pollutants such as dust and cigarette smoke, and allergens including tree and flower pollen from your home, office or bedroom ...". Next to a picture of the purifier was the text "BI-POLAR IONISATION HOW DOES IT WORK?...

Winn Solicitors Ltd
A TV ad for a no-win-no-fee vehicle accident compensation service provided by Winn Solicitors Ltd. Scrolling text along the bottom of the screen repeated "100% compensation guaranteed. No excess to pay. No increase in insurance premiums".

Walter Williams (Woodseats) Ltd
A radio ad, for Panasonic Stores in Yorkshire, stated "2011 is digital switchover year in Yorkshire and, once it happens, your old analogue TV and video tuners will not work. The Panasonic Store in Sheffield and Chesterfield has access to all the data needed, to give you the best advice on the switchover and which TV to choose. And remember, at the Panasonic Store, every TV comes with a five year guarantee. The Panasonic Store ... Yorkshire's digital experts."

An e-mail offering job opportunities for specialist couriers stated "About two months ago Steve Simmonds applied for our 7 Day Fast-start Application at just £49. (Steve was in a hurry and printed off all the details from his computer right there and then). Apparently he spent all evening practically devouring every page. And do you know what? More than that he actually went out and did something about it ... 'THANK YOU so much, after being made redundant I really didn't know what to do. I...

Aurigny Air Services Ltd
A regional press ad and an e-mail for an airline: a. The press ad showed two Christmas trees adorned with baubles and was headlined “400,000 thank yous”. Text underneath stated “Thanks to you, we carried islanders on more than 400,000 journeys this year. Over four times as many as our nearest local rival. In fact, evidence suggests our local rival’s November passengers have fallen sharply. Our commitment to the islands is deep rooted. Over the last 43 years we’ve developed a strong network...

Preisvergleich.de Gmbh
A sponsored link, for an adhesive for electronic components, stated “Cold Solder Glue -48% Cold Solder Glue on sale now: Compare all shops & save up to 48%! www.cold-solder-glue.best-price.com".

Express Newspaper
A national press promotion and TV ad for free Superdrug vitamins for readers of The Daily Express:- a.  a front-page flash, on The Daily Express, stated "FREE A-Z MULTI-VITAMINS FOR EVERY READER AT Superdrug.  CUT OUT THE VOUCHER ON PAGE 34 AND GET YOURS TODAY".  Further details inside the paper stated "HOW TO CLAIM: Cut out the voucher (above) and present it today, January 12, 2011 (only), at your nearest Superdrug store to claim a free pack of Superdrug Multivitamins + Minerals ......

RB 856

Alle 550 vliegmaatschappijen in één overzicht?

RCC 19 april 2011, Dossiernr. 2011/00230 (Worldticketcenter.nl)

Reclamerecht. Radiocommercial en website zeggen: "alle luchtvaartmaatschappijen in 1 overzicht, ook alle lowcost". Klager stelt dat indruk wordt gewekt dat in overzicht alle maatschappijen worden getoond die naar bepaalde bestemming vliegen, maar dat dit niet het geval blijkt te zijn. Verweerder stelt dat in beginsel alle maatschappijen worden getoond, maar dat verschillende omstandigheden, zoals technische problemen en maatstaven van klanttevredenheid, ervoor kunnen zorgen dat niet alle airlines worden getoond.

De Commissie oordeelt dat de indruk wordt gewekt dat wel alle beschikbare maatschappijen worden getoond, dit wordt benadrukt door "ook alle lowcost" te vermelden. Volgens de Commissie wordt geen voorbehoud gemaakt door Worldticketcenter, en daarom acht zij de uitingen te absoluut. Commissie oordeelt dat er sprake is van onjuiste informatie (art. 8.2 aanhef NRC) en de uitingen misleidend zijn (strijd met art. 7 NRC). Beveelt aan niet meer op dergelijke wijze reclame te maken.

In de bestreden uitingen wordt met de zinsneden “alle luchtvaartmaatschappijen in één overzicht” en “alle 550 airlines in één overzicht” de indruk gewekt dat daadwerkelijk alle beschikbare airlines op een bepaald traject in een overzicht worden getoond. Door de toevoeging “ook alle lowcost!“ in de uiting op de website wordt nog eens extra benadrukt dat geen airline van dit overzicht wordt uitgesloten. Ten aanzien van de volledigheid van het overzicht wordt geen enkel voorbehoud gemaakt hoewel - naar World Ticket Center heeft erkend - om uiteenlopende redenen airlines niet altijd in een overzicht (kunnen) worden getoond. Gelet hierop acht de Commissie de mededeling dat alle luchtvaartmaatschappijen c.q. alle 550 airlines worden weergegeven in één overzicht te absoluut. De bestreden uitingen gaan aldus gepaard met onjuiste informatie als bedoeld in artikel 8.2 aanhef van de Nederlandse Reclame Code (NRC). Omdat de Commissie voorts van oordeel is dat de bestreden uitingen de gemiddelde consument ertoe kunnen brengen een besluit over een transactie te nemen dat hij anders niet had genomen, zijn de uitingen misleidend en daardoor oneerlijk in de zin van artikel 7 NRC.

Lees de gehele uitspraak hier (link en pdf)
Regelingen: NRC art. 7 en 8.2 aanhef

RB 845

UK ASA Adjudications 20 en 27 april 2011

Ook de Advertising Standards Authorization, de RCC in Groot Britannië, heeft een bundel uitspraken gepubliceerd. Categorieën variëren van badkamers tot keukens, servicebeurten, vliegmaatschappijen (over lage prijzen - bikini's en lage temperaturen), hernieuwbare energie, een klacht over een vacature (self employed en geen arbeidsrelatie), gratis 0800-nummers, ooglaserbehandeling, luizenapparaat, dieetprogramma, autoreclame, vitaminwater, een bank, positive health clinic, Groupon-actie, reisvergelijker "travelsupermarket", "call girl competition".

Zie plaatje hieronder voor uitspraken van 27 april (klik voor vergroting), klik voor de directe site hier:

Zie plaatje hieronder voor uitspraken van 20 april (klik voor vergroting):

Sensible Price Kitchens
Two regional press ads for Sensible Price Kitchens. a. One ad stated "M.F.I IN ADMINISTRATION One Thousand M.F.I Kitchens All Kitchens with Appliances Only £795 Complete". b. The second ad stated "MFI IN ADMINISTRATION 1000 of ex mfi kitchens to clear, full kitchens with appliances only £795 complete".

Servicing Stop Ltd
A radio ad for Servicing Stop Ltd, trading as servicingstop.co.uk, on Absolute Radio. A voice rapped "If you've got yourself a car, you know you've got to keep it serviced. You need a place you can trust and won't make you nervous ... And the really good news, it costs much less than main dealers ...". Singers in the background repeated "You need servicingstop.co.uk" throughout the ad.

Ryanair Ltd
a. A press ad for Ryanair featured a woman sun bathing on a beach and stated "FOR LOW FARES IN 2011 BOOK AT RYANAIR.COM SALE (TRAVEL FEB-MAR) ONE WAY, FROM £8. BOOK TO THE SUN NOW! RYANAIR". Small print stated "Book until midnight 10.01.11. Subject to availability. Terms and conditions apply, see Ryanair.com for details. Fares exclude optional fees/charges. Flights from London (Stansted). b. A second press ad for Ryanair flights to Dublin stated "FLY RYANAIR one way from £27.99". Small print...

Peel Environmental Ltd
A brochure promoting a proposed Renewable Energy Centre in North Selby stated "Bringing a Renewable Energy Centre to North Selby. UK Coal and Peel Environmental are bringing forward proposals to develop the first Renewable Energy Centre of its kind at North Selby. The £30 million Centre, which has the backing of the Science City York, will see the former North Selby mine at Escrick transformed into a world class facility for biorenewables research alongside energy recovery facilities that...

Peel Environmental Ltd
A brochure promoting a proposed Renewable Energy Centre in North Selby stated "UK Coal and Peel Environmental are bringing forward proposals to develop the first Renewable Energy Centre of its kind at North Selby ... The proposed Renewable Energy Centre seeks to build on Yorkshire and Humber's reputation as a world leader in the development of the technologies of the future". Inside the brochure text stated "The Renewable Energy Centre will help to deal with the region's waste in a more...

Smiths Marketing Associates
An internet ad for job vacancies was headed "Marketing Assistant/Marketing Associate/Marketing Advisor - Edinburgh - Permanent". Text underneath read "A REMARKABLE OPPORTUNITY IN MARKETING!" Further text stated the rate was "£16k to £20k per year (Result Based) GBP".

UK2Telecom Ltd
A sponsored search ad, for uk2numbers.co.uk, stated "Free 0800 Numbers UK Instant 0800 Number Activation! Free Line Rental. Advanced Service."

Unite The Union Ltd
A national press ad, for a trade union, was headed "What do you think of when you think British Airways?". The ad made various claims about the BA cabin crew dispute, including "Our members want you to always think positively about BA ... But three times in the past two years they have voted overwhelmingly to take industrial action at the airline ... Unite cabin crew members at BA are mainly female, working mums ... The vast majority will dedicate 25 years or more service to the airline ......

Trinity Mirror plc
A competition in the Sunday Mail, to win laser eye treatment stated "We've teamed up with Ultralase, the UK's leading vision correction specialist ... to give one lucky reader free ... laser eye treatment". It also stated "Ultralase has perfected the vision of over 125,000 people using state-of-the-art technology and the highest qualified team of surgeons in the UK. They are also the only laser eye specialist to offer a lifetime care guarantee".

The Maperton Trust
A website for a head lice repelling device stated "The Head Lice Repelling Unit (HELRU) is a small device using the latest technology to repel head lice from infesting children and adults. It is in the form of a badge of the Unicorn and is pinned to the clothing of the individual. It is designed to be completely safe to the wearer. Its effect on head lice is to repel them."

Tony Ferguson UK Ltd
A leaflet, for Tony Ferguson weight loss programme, included three testimonials. The first showed a "before" and "after" photograph of a woman and included the text “Kylie lost 5 1/2 stone". The second stated "I'm less than half the person I used to be ... I weighed 23 1/2 stone. I blitzed my goal weight within the year and am now a size 10 to 12". Text underneath stated "Robyn lost 12 stone in 18 months. The ad showed a "before" picture of Robyn prior to losing weight and an "after" picture...

Optimax Laser Eye Clinics
Three Facebook ads and an online promotion that the complainant saw in July 2010 advertised half-price laser eye surgery. (a) One stated “Enjoy life without glasses Get Half Price Off laser eye surgery with Optimax. Order your Free Info Pack. Click here”. (b) The second ad stated “FREE Info Pack 50% off laser eye surgery. Get half price laser eye surgery with Optimax ... Click here”. (c) The third ad stated “FREE Info Pack Get Half Price Off laser eye surgery with Optimax ... Click...

Citroen UK Ltd
A TV ad, for Citroën, featured a cyclist pulling up behind a Citroën C4 at a set of traffic lights on a busy urban street. Other cyclists joined him until there was a large crowd of cyclists pursuing the C4. At the next junction, the C4 pulled away and lost the cyclists, who appeared disappointed until one of them spotted a different C4 travelling in the opposite direction. The cyclists turned at the junction and followed the other C4. A voice-over stated "The new Citroën C4 eHDi engine...

Coca-Cola Great Britain
A poster for Vitaminwater stated "enhanced hydration for the nation delicious and nutritious".

BetterBathrooms UK Ltd
A TV ad, for BetterBathrooms UK Ltd, claimed to have stores in "Warrington, Wigan and Manchester City Centre".

Allen Kia (UK) Ltd
A press ad, for Kia cars, stated "Allen Kia Birmingham Where new cars cost less ... Kia Rio 1.4 5dr WAS £8,540 NOW £7,840 SAVE £700".

Barclays Bank plc
A TV ad for Barclays Bank, broadcast on 1 February 2011, featured a mechanical machine that produced shoes and had cogs made of giant coins. The voice-over stated “It’s good news that four out of five business lending applications are approved with the support of Barclay’s business managers, to help get things moving again.” On-screen text read “Average acceptance rate between April - Sept. 2010 for all credit applications for businesses up to £5m turnover. Excludes online applications”.

Dr Batras Positive Health Clinic (UK) Ltd
A regional press ad, for Dr Batra’s Positive Health Clinic, was headed “Freedom from ... Psoriasis.” Text stated “Dr Batra’s. World’s largest Homeopathic Healthcare Corporate with a track record in treating Psoriasis now comes to Harley Street. Dr Batra’s is internationally recognised for successfully treating more than 25,000 cases of psoriasis. Chat with our expert doctors between 9am - 4pm”. The ad also featured a logo which stated “Dr Batra’s” and the website address “www.drbartras.com”.

MyCityDeal Ltd
A sales promotion on the website Groupon MyCityDeal was headed "Today's deal: £9 instead of £30 for a 20 Minute Garra Rufa Fish Natural Pedicure for Two People at Wonderfeet". Further text stated "Fine Print - 1 voucher per two people, multiple may be purchased - Voucher valid for 2 months, 7 days per week - No need to book in advance but please take voucher and security codes with you - Please call 07863 XXX XXX for further information - Not valid with other offers".

Optical Express Ltd
A brochure and a TV ad for Optical Express's laser eye surgery. a. The brochure was titled “The vision care specialists” and featured a testimonial from the golfer Padraig Harrington on the inside front cover which stated “I want to be treated by the best and that’s Optical Express”. The brochure contained a variety of claims about Optical Express’s service and the technology they used. The back cover listed a number of comparative claims with ticks and crosses indicating that the listed...

Moneysupermarket.com Ltd
A TV ad, for a travel comparison website, depicted Jedward sitting on sun loungers by a swimming pool. The comedian Omid Djalili approached them and asked how much they had paid for their holiday. One of Jedward said "£300" and the other said "£500". Djalili asked "Where did you find it?" The first said "travelsupermarket" and the second said "travel agent", then "You paid £200 less than me?". Djalili said "For the exact same holiday. You can compare thousands at travelsupermarket.com." The...

easyJet Airline Co Ltd
A national press ad for easyJet was headlined "The new shape of business travel". The ad also included boxed images and text including a £symbol with an arrow pointing downwards, with text underneath stating "We charge you less". The ad included a web link to the easyJet business website.

ITV Consumer Ltd
An online promotion, for ITV2's Secret Diary of a Call Girl competition, stated "For a chance for you and three friends to win the weekend of a lifetime ... answer the question as seen in the show ... Closing date for online entries is 7th April 2011 at 9.30am. Answer A - B - C ...".

En nog enkele uitspraken van 20 april j.l.

Home Shopping Selections Ltd
An e-mail offer for Snuggle Blankets featured the headline text "BUY1 GET1 FREE for just £10 + P&P" followed by a picture of a woman lying on a sofa wearing a floor-length fleece blanket with sleeves. Further text stated "This is an Incredible Offer! ... 2 SNUGGLE BLANKETS for just £10 +P&P ... Value £39.9 ... In this exciting offer, the Snuggle Blanket is now being made available to the public - not for the £19.95 you might expect but for a very special price of only £10...

Express Newspapers
A national press ad, for a skin cream, was headed "THE LITTLE JAR OF MIRACLES ADVANCED FORMULA SKIN THERAPY GEL THE RED CARPET REMEDY FOR SCARRING, SOOTHING AND SMOOTHING". Further text stated "It always seems our delicate skin is under attack and there's no denying that razor burn, bruises and often the unsightly appearance of raised scars ruins the look of your favourite outfits. Thankfully there's now a miracle worker which can help have you back to your normal self in...

7 Professionals Ltd
An online recruitment ad, on the CV Library website, advertised a contract position for an IT Senior Developer. Text stated, "Job Title - Senior Developer - Java, J2EE, Oracle, Linux Red Hat, contract ... A Senior Developer - Java, J2££, Oracle, contract is required for an exceptional Client that works with a number of blue chip companies. The Client specialises in helping their customers manage their technology requirements to meet specific and exact needs for their businesses by providing...

RB 844

Winkelnering Olympische Spelen London

 Minister Shippers (Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport) antwoord, mede namens de minister van Financiën, vragen van PvdA-Kamerlid Van Dekken over (gedwongen) winkelnering rondom de Olympische spelen 2012 in Londen.

Het gaat erom dat tickets op de officiële site www.olympischespelenlonden.nl slechts kunnen worden besteld met een creditcard van VISA. Het is een autonome keuze van de organisatie, in Nederland heeft NOC*NSF ATP Events Experts als Official Ticket & Travel Agent aangewezen en die accepteert ook andere gangbare betaalwijzen, aldus de minister.

3. Deelt u de mening dat het onwenselijk is dat mensen gedwongen worden om een creditcard aan te schaffen als zij de Olympische Spelen willen bezoeken, omdat creditcard betalingen vaak uitmonden in dure leningen?
3. Indien mensen kaarten bestellen via ATP worden zij niet gedwongen om een creditcard aan te schaffen.

4. Is hier sprake van het misbruik maken van een economische machtspositie, gegeven het feit dat de organisatie van de Olympische Spelen een monopolist is? Kunt u uw antwoord toelichten?
4. Via meerdere kanalen kunnen er tickets gekocht worden. Voor de officiële verkoop vanuit Nederland geldt dat er meerdere betalingsmogelijkheden zijn. Met het oog hierop is uitbuiting of uitsluiting van consumenten of concurrenten niet aan de orde. Van een overtreding van het verbod op misbruik van een economische machtspositie is dan ook geen sprake.

5. Welke acties gaat u ondernemen om de toegankelijkheid en beschikbaarheid van de kaarten voor dit evenement op korte termijn te vergroten? Wilt u zich er voor inzetten dat ook andere betaalmodaliteiten mogelijk zijn, zodat sportliefhebbers de keuze hebben hoe zij willen betalen?
5. Geen. Het feit dat VISA sponsor is van de Olympische Spelen en de keuze dat via de officiële site alleen betaald kan worden met VISA is een verantwoordelijkheid van het organiserend comité.

Lees de kamervragen en antwoorden hier .